There are two fundamental requirements to conducting business in Asia: integrity and discretion. Integrity is a function of commitment and delivering what you promise. Discretion is vital in Asia as markets in the region all have their individual characteristics and sensitivities. 

Devonshire Capital is modelled on the European specialty or "boutique" style merchant or investment bank. Its mission is to become the leading merchant bank focused on Asia, by being innovative and entrepreneurial, by being ready and prepared to take risks to grasp material gains for both itself and its clients; whilst at all times founding itself on the guiding principles of integrity and discretion. These principles are characterised by long periods of prudence, punctuated by short periods of vigorous exploitation of opportunities presented.

Most of all, we utilise the vast experience and real-time market knowledge of our people to derive and execute integrated solutions, which meets with our commitment to deliver quality services comparable to a top tier global investment bank whilst still retaining the responsiveness and independence of a regional boutique firm. Devonshire Capital is truly a global merchant bank enhanced by the best of local Asian culture.